No architect would try and
build a house without first
arduously consulting the
design layouts, just as no car
enthusiast would delve into
the engine of an automobile
without first glancing at the
owner's manual. Unfortunately,
with many old cars that have
been passed down from
generation to generation, the
original owner's manual has
gotten lost in translation
somewhere. With possibly
decades in between the
original sale and now, that
one booklet could be anywhere.
Yet, that booklet provides
essential information found
nowhere else. It's the primary
key to unlocking the secrets
of your specific vehicle.
Luckily, what is lost is not
forever gone because
CDmanuals.net offers a
complete selection of original
owner's manuals for classic
cars. These original owner's
manuals are offered for most
American made vehicles up
until 1990. Ever wonder what
that strange symbol on the
dashboard means, or how often
the car should receive regular
servicing? Curious about the
original warranty or
interested in accessorizing?
Need some simple
troubleshooting tips or
maintenance information? The
original owner's manual will
help clear up all those little
questions, whose answers you
may have thought were lost to
the sands of time. Thankfully,
now they can be answered in
detail, originally as the
manufacturer intended.
Topics covered in the owner's
manuals of early cars include:
- Safety instructions
- Normal usage
- Maintenance
- Service codes
- Regulatory code
compliance information
- Troubleshooting tips
- Technical
These are licensed
reproductions of the original
owner's manuals that came with
the car upon the first
purchase, so they include all
the general information any
doting owner could possibly
Because the owner's manuals
are rare, we only offer them
in a physical CD format.
Rather than offer a digital
download, we will ship the
original CD manual straight to
your door.
CDmanuals.net knows that for
serious automobile
enthusiasts, receiving the
original car owner's CD manual
in your mailbox can be like
being reunited with a
long-lost twin – or, at least,
cousin. We're happy to offer
the joy of replacing something
previously thought
irreplaceable, but if the
product does not meet
expectations, we offer a full
money back guarantee. And we
are happy to help with any
questions or concerns, so
please do not hesitate to
contact us.
At such an affordable price,
with such security, how can
you go wrong with the original
owner's manual? Search our
growing database for your make
and model issued in a
particular year, and reunite
yourself with this long-lost
document. If nothing else,
adding the original owner's
manual to the glove
compartment of your prized
vehicle is the icing on the
cake for a job well done in
keeping her running smoothly.
We know how much hands-on care
goes into maintaining the
integrity of an early model,
and what satisfaction can be
reaped from getting dirty to
keep it clean. The owner's
manual is not just a great
reference guide, but also the
pedigree to a shining star of
a car. |
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